012 9341 9085

Over 37 years experience
CCF is one of the most experienced Cleaning, Maintenance & Facilities companies within the UK. We provide expert services throughout Great Britain. All of our technicians are trained. That means you can count on CCF to provide a complete service to satisfy all your requirements. We cover everything from cleaning to property services, which includes contract cleaning, carpet and upholstery cleaning, floor maintenance (restoring or improving), window cleaning, builders cleans, building maintenance, property services, plumbing, gas fitting, & carpentry.
ISO9001 Quality Assurance
To ensure that the quality of our service always meets the needs of our customers, and they will be provided with the confidence that we can, and will, provide the quality expected. We are committed to retaining ISO9001 Quality Assurance registration and are committed to improve our current procedures. We are committed to retaining ISO9001 Quality Assurance registration, and to continually improving our current procedures. We are a fully accredited office, window and carpet cleaning service.

Professional cleaners
Fully Trained and insured staff
Our staff are generally trained on site by Area Management to ensure that they have the right attitude to standards of service and hygiene within the location environment and the knowledge and skills to do their job effectively. CCF recognises that the training and Development of its employees plays an important part towards achieving the company mission.
Human resources
Finding the best person for the job is a highly developed skill at CCF. Our approach, perfect over 30 years, combined with the latest techniques in selection and appraisal, puts CCF ahead of the competition. Staff motivation is extremely important in producing high standards, and this is emphasised in our